The Last Call: A Romance (Vol. 3 of 3)
By Richard Dowling 20 Sep, 2020
Brief Extract: At half-past six a train left Rathclare for Dublin. The evenings were now cold and short. It was getting near winter, the end of autumn. As the train was about to start from the platform, a man with the collar of a large boat-cloak tur ... Read more
Brief Extract: At half-past six a train left Rathclare for Dublin. The evenings were now cold and short. It was getting near winter, the end of autumn. As the train was about to start from the platform, a man with the collar of a large boat-cloak turned up about his ears, and a soft felt hat pressed low over his brows, stepped into an unoccupied first-class compartment, and took his seat. He did not speak to the guard who checked his ticket, nor had the guard any opportunity of seeing his face, as the man in the cloak kept his face carefully averted. He sat muffled up in the corner without moving, hour after hour, as the train sped on through the darkness. Every time the speed slackened and they drew near a station at which they were to stop, he shook himself slightly, straightened his hat down over his eyes, and pushed up the collar of his cloak. All the way from Rathclare to Dublin fortune favoured him, if he desired to be alone. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 132.589 KB
  • 217
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1530598458
Richard Dowling (3 June 1846 – 28 July 1898) was an Irish novelist. Dowling was born in southern Ireland in 1846. He worked with a group of Irish writers producing a paper called Zolius. He moved...
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