Authors | Washington Irving
Washington Irving
Washington Irving was an American author, essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. He began his literary career at the age of nineteen by writing newspaper articles under the pseudonym Jonathan Oldstyle. In 1809, he published ... Read more

Books by Washington Irving

The Knickerbocker; Or, New York Monthly Magazine, Volume 19: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Knickerbocker's New York: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Histoire De La Vie Et Des Voyages De Christophe Colomb, Volume 2: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Washington And His Country, Being Life Of Washington;: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Chronicle Of The Conquest Of Granada, Volume 1...: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Irving's Works, Volume 22...: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Life of Washington Volume 2: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Rip Van Winkle, and Other Sketches: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Washington Irving's Works, Volume 23: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Knickerbocker Sketches From "A History of New York.": by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Irving's works Volume 8: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Irving's works Volume 6: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Irving's works Volume 11: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works of Washington Irving...: Conquest of Granada. Oliver Goldsmith: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Irving's works Volume 11-12: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Washington Irving's works Volume 6: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works Volume 9 and 10: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Hudson Edition: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Life Of George Washinton, Volume 3: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus: To Which Are Added Those of His Companions, Volume 5: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Knickerbocker; Or, New York Monthly Magazine, Volume 35: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works, Volume 6: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Knickerbocker, Or, New-york Monthly Magazine, Volume 32: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works Of Washington Irving...: Illustrated, Volume 12: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus: To Which Are Added Those of His Companions, Volume 4: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Life and Times of Washington: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Discovery and Conquest of the New World: Containing The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works of Washington Irving, Volume 16: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Irving's Works, Volume 2: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving