Authors | Washington Irving
Washington Irving
Washington Irving was an American author, essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. He began his literary career at the age of nineteen by writing newspaper articles under the pseudonym Jonathan Oldstyle. In 1809, he published ... Read more

Books by Washington Irving

The Works of Washington Irving: Crayon Miscellany: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works: History Of New York. Sketch Book. Bracebridge Hall: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Tales of the Alhambra: To Which Are Added Legends of the Conquest of Spain - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus, Volume 5: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Histoire Des Voyages Et D?couvertes Des Compagnons De Christophe Colomb, Suivie De L'histoire De Fernand Cortez Et De La Conqu?te: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works, Volume 2...: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Spanish Papers and Other Miscellanies, Hitherto Unpublished Or Uncollected: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Works, Volume 11: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Astoria; or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, Volume II - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Discovery of America: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Alhambra Volume 2: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Sketch Book Of Geoffrey Crayon, Esq. [preud]: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
History Of The Life And Voyages Of Christopher Columbus, Volume 2...: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Tales From Washington Irving's Traveller: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Histoire de la vie et des voyages de Christophe Colomb: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Selected Essays From the Sketch Book by Washington Irving: Prescribed by the Regents of the University of the State of New York fo: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Crayon Reading Book: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
The Fur Traders of the Columbia River and the Rocky Mountains: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
A History Of The Life And Voyages Of Christopher Columbus. Volume 3 Of 3: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
A History of the New York, From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
Stories and Legends: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
Life and Works of Washington Irving: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
The Works of Washington Irving; Volume 21: by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
by Washington 1783-1859 Irving
Irving's Works: The Adventures Of Captin Bonneville: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
A History Of The Life And Voyages Of Christopher Columbus. Volume 1 Of 4: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
Tales Of A Traveller...: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Life Of George Washington, Volume 1...: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works Of Washington Irving: Christopher Columbus...: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving
The Works of Washington Irving...: Spanish Papers. Biographies and Miscellanies: by Washington Irving
by Washington Irving