The Lincoln-Douglas Debates Abraham Lincoln Author
by Abraham Lincoln 2021-04-12 01:44:48
Complete texts for all 7 debates between the incumbent Democratic senator from Illinois and the 1858 nominee of the infant Republican party. Paving the way for modern debates between political candidates, the events brought Lincoln (who lost the elec... Read more
Complete texts for all 7 debates between the incumbent Democratic senator from Illinois and the 1858 nominee of the infant Republican party. Paving the way for modern debates between political candidates, the events brought Lincoln (who lost the election) to national prominence and helped propel him to the presidency in 1860. Less
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 368
  • Dover Publications
  • July 16, 2012
  • 9780486145617
Born in Hardin County, Kentucky, The United States February 12, 1809 Died: April 15, 1865 GenreMemoir, Politics Influences: Robert Burns Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United...
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