The Man Who Married a Mermaid
by Alexandre Dumas 2020-07-08 11:55:17
The Man Who Married a Mermaid (1949) tells the picaresque story of a sailor, Père Olifus, who first marries a mermaid, then embarks upon a series of voyages to a semi-mythical Far East where he enjoys various economic opportunities, but remain... Read more

The Man Who Married a Mermaid (1949) tells the picaresque story of a sailor, Père Olifus, who first marries a mermaid, then embarks upon a series of voyages to a semi-mythical Far East where he enjoys various economic opportunities, but remains plagued by the vengeful astral form of the mermaid wife he left behind. Master storyteller Alexandre Dumas teamed up with Paul Lacroix intending to produce a series of magical tales, of which this wry, sarcastic fable of supernaturally-punished infidelity was the first. When the project failed, Lacroix expanded the story into a novella, which remains entertaining as well as intriguing, and deserves to be reckoned one of the flawed classics of its genre.

  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 8x5x0.57inches
  • 252
  • Hollywood Comics
  • April 1, 2017
  • English
  • 9781612276120
Alexandre Dumas, père (French for "father", akin to Senior in English), born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which h...
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