James Ryder has it all--the stately good looks of a gentleman farmer, the perfect family, an ample bank account, and the prestige one enjoys from owning one of the best and most venerable wineries in Oregon. His only problem is those pesky developers from Nevada who want to build a spa/resort up the hill from his vineyard. This is not acceptable, as he tells Max Weatherman, front man for the developers, at the traditional Salmon Bake at the Oregon 's International Pinot Noir Celebration. It's a blistering hot night. Tempers flare and fisticuffs ensue. A short while later, Ryder is found dead, murdered at the very festival he helped found. Enter the not-so-intrepid Emma Golden, friend of the murdered man. She wants to find out who murdered James Ryder, but the man who can answer her questions, Max Weatherman, has vanished. A lot of people are looking for him.