The Money Finders Guide Alan Smith Author
by Alan Smith
2021-04-11 11:28:12
The Money Finders Guide Alan Smith Author
by Alan Smith
2021-04-11 11:28:12
People move away, lose track of investments, or die, and the accounts or funds, after a set amount of time — frequently three to five years - are reported to the state Treasurer's Escheats, Comptroller's, or Revenue office. The state then trie...
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People move away, lose track of investments, or die, and the accounts or funds, after a set amount of time — frequently three to five years - are reported to the state Treasurer's Escheats, Comptroller's, or Revenue office. The state then tries to track down, the owners and return the money.If you think financial property may be held by your state, the first step is to contact the appropriate office (a state by state list follows) to find out whether your name is listed. Or, in the case of the estate of a deceased person, the listing would be under his/her name