The Musicians Practice Plan Casper Corder Author
2024-09-11 06:41:32
Our book entitled, The Musicians Practice Plan, is finally here. This book details a plan for worship musicians that will help them start playing songs asap. We detail a plan that will help the worship culture at churches thrive by teaching musicians... Read more
Our book entitled, The Musicians Practice Plan, is finally here. This book details a plan for worship musicians that will help them start playing songs asap. We detail a plan that will help the worship culture at churches thrive by teaching musicians the chords that make up the style you want to play.Many musicians tell me they feel stuck when they are practicing. They don't quite know what to practice. They sit at the piano, keyboard or organ and play songs to the best of their ability. They eventually come to believe that they will never sound like other musicians because they aren't gifted like other musicians. That is simply is NOT TRUE!!! The average gift needs to be developed. Few people are music prodigy's like Mozart or Cory Henry. Those people are the exception not the rule. If you're are like me, you have to work at everything you do. You have to practice, learn, adjust and practice some more. When I was first learning organ I got criticized by people in the choir because I was not good enough. But one conversation from a friend helped me unlock the gift I knew was inside me. I went from sucking as an aspiring musician to where I am today. Why can't you do the same thing????? This is why you need a plan that will help you unlock your gift and help you achieve your goal of being an expressive musician. The Musicians Practice Plan is designed to unlock your gift by guiding your practice with focused steps to help you get the sound you're looking for. No more wasted time. No more feeling stuck. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9798373401807
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