Authors | William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" ( ... Read more

Books by William Shakespeare

Romeo Et Juliette Songe D Une Nuit D Ete: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Antoine Et Cleopatre: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra (World Classics Shakespeare Series): by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Anthony and Cleopatra. Edited by George Wyllys Benedict: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
As You Like It: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Beautiful Thoughts From William Shakespeare: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
A Book of Reference to Remarkable Passages in Shakespeare: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Complete Works of Shakespeare; Volume 3: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Dictionary of Shakespearian Quotations: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Macbeth Online: Personal Playscript: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Hamlet Online: Personal Playscript: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet Online: Personal Playscript: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream (World Classics Shakespeare Series): by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Oxford Shakespeare: Anthony and Cleopatra: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Oxford Shakespeare: The Complete Sonnets and Poems: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
A Hand-book of Reference and Quotation. Mottoes and Aphorisms From Shakespeare: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
A Hand-book of Reference and Quotation. Mottoes and Aphorisms From Shakespeare: Arranged Alphabetically, With a Copious Index of W: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Hamlet; Parallel Texts of the First and Second Quartos and the First Folio. Edited by Wilhelm Vietor: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
The Oxford Shakespeare: Henry IV, Part One: Henry Iv Part 1: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays of William Shakespeare in Twenty-one Volumes, With the Corrections and Illus. of Various Commentators, to Which Are Adde: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile From the Edition of 1685: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
An Index to Shakespearian Thought: "a Collection Of Passages From The Plays And Poems Of Shakespeare, Classified Under Appropriate: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Comedy of the Merchant of Venice as Produced by Edwin Booth: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
The Works of Shakespeare: The Text Carefully Restored According to the First Editions; With Introductions, Notes Original and: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Shakespeare's As You Like It. With Introduction, and Notes Explanatory and Critical. For Use in Schools and Families: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
The Oxford Shakespeare: As You Like It: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Tempest;: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar; With Introduction, Notes, and Examination Papers: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
The Life of Timon of Athens: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
The Works of Shakspere; Volume 1: by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare
by William 1564-1616 Shakespeare