Authors | Homer
Born Greece Genre: Poetry, Mythology In the Western classical tradition, Homer (Greek: Όμηρος) is considered the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey, and is revered as the greatest of ancient Greek epic poets. These epics lie at the beginn ... Read more

Books by Homer

La Odisea: By Homer
By Homer
The Iliad: By Homer
By Homer
The Odyssey: By Homer
By Homer
The Essential Odyssey: The Essential Odyssey
The Essential Odyssey
The Cave of the Cyclops (Pocket Penguins 70's): by Homer
by Homer
Uncommon Sense: An Introduction to Christian Belief: by Homer, Jr. Rogers
by Homer, Jr. Rogers
The Essential Homer: by Homer
by Homer
L'odyssé D'homère: Tr. En Français; Volume 2: by Homer
by Homer
Odyssey, Book 9: by Homer
by Homer
Homer: Odyssey Books XVII-XVIII: by Homer
by Homer
Homer's Epics: by Homer
by Homer
Die Batrachomyomachie Und Galeomyomachie Griechisch: Mit Einer Einleitung, Anwerkungen, Und Einem Wortregister Für Junge Leute: by . Homer
by . Homer
Odyssey: With Introd., Notes, Etc, Volume 2: by Homer
by Homer
Works of the British Poets: The Comedies of Aristophanes; Select Comedies of Terence, Tr. by George Coleman, the Satires of Per: by Homer
by Homer
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury; Volume 10: by Homer
by Homer
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury; Volume 2: by Homer
by Homer
The Hymns of Homer: The Batrachomyomachia; and Two Original Poetical Hymns: by Homer
by Homer
Homer: Odyssey Books Xiii And Xiv: by Homer
by Homer
La Yliada De Homero, Traducida Del Griego En Verso Endecasilabo Castellano Por Ignacio Garcia Malo...: by Homer
by Homer
Homer: Odyssey Books VI-VIII: by Homer
by Homer
Homer: Odyssey Books XIX and XX: by Homer
by Homer
Works Of The British Poets: The Vision Of Dante Alighieri, Tr. By H.f. Cary...: by Homer
by Homer
The Poetical Works Of Edward Vaughan Kenealy, Volume 1: by . Homer
by . Homer
Canti E Versioni Di Giacomo Leopardi: Publicati Con Numerose Varianti Di Su Gli Autografi Recanatesi: by Homer
by Homer
Carmina Homerica, Volume 1: by Homer
by Homer
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, Volume 7: by Homer
by Homer
The Boy's Odyssey: by Homer
by Homer
Odyssea: Ad Fidem Librorum Optimorum, Volume 1: by Homer
by Homer
Odyssey, Book 1: by Homer
by Homer
Scholia graeca in Homeri Odysseam; ex codicibus aucta et emendata. Edidit Gulielmus Dindorfius; Volumen 1: by Homer
by Homer