Authors | William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" ( ... Read more

Books by William Shakespeare

The Beauties Of Shakespeare: Selected From Each Play : With A General Index, Digesting Them Under Proper Heads: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Temple Shakespeare, Volume 32: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
King Richard Iii.: With Preface, Glossary, &c: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Comedy Of Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will. Edited, With Notes: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Reader's Shakespeare: His Dramatic Work Condensed, Connected, And Emphasized For School, College, Parlour, And Platform .: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works Of William Shakespeare, Volume 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakspeare's Dramatische Werke: Der Kaufmann Von Venedig ; Wie Es Euch Gefällt: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
La Tempête... - Primary Source Edition: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
King Richard the Third: With Introd., and Notes [Explanatory and Critical, for Use in Schools and Families,] - Primary Sour: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Hamlet: Prince of Denmark - Primary Source Edition: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Stratford Shakspere: Romeo & Juliet. Timon of Athens. Hamlet. King Lear. Othello. Pericles. Titus Andronicus: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
A New Variorum Edition Of Shakespeare, Volume 3: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare: Select Plays As You Like It - Scholar's Choice Edition: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works of Shakespeare - Scholar's Choice Edition: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Comedy of the Taming of the Shrew - Scholar's Choice Edition: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's History of King Henry the Fourth - Scholar's Choice Edition: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's History of King Henry the Eighth - Scholar's Choice Edition: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke: Einleitungen. Der Sturm. Hamlet, Prinz Von Danemark. Der Kaufmann Von Venedig. Wie Es Euch Gefall: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's King Henry the Fifth: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Tragedy Of Titvs Andronicvs: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works Of William Shakespeare..., Volume 5: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays And Poems Of Shakspeare: King Lear. Romeo And Juliet: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakspeare, Pr. From The Text Of The Corrected Copies Left By G. Steevens And E. Malone, With A Selection Of: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Handy-volume Shakspeare [ed. By Q.d.].: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works Of Shakespeare, Volume 24: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Tempest, a Play, with Prefatory Remarks, As It Is Performed at the Theatres Royal: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Volume III - Scholar's Choice Edition: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Stratford Shakspere: Tragedies: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 11: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespere for Schools, Macbeth as Abridged by Charles Kemble, With Notes for School Use: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare