Authors | William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" ( ... Read more

Books by William Shakespeare

The Works: The Text Formed From An Entirely New Collation Of The Old Editions: With The Various Readings, Note: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's History Of King Henry The Fifth: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Comedy Of As You Like It: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's History Of King Henry The Sixth...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Comedy Of Twelfth Night...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Works Of William Shakspeare: With A Life Of The Poet, And Original And Selected Notes...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Schauspiele, Volume 1...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Mr. William Shakespear. In ten volumes. Publish'd by Mr. Pope and Dr. Sewell. Volume 7 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Mr. William Shakespear. In ten volumes. Publish'd by Mr. Pope and Dr. Sewell. Volume 6 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Mr. William Shakespear. In ten volumes. Publish'd by Mr. Pope and Dr. Sewell. Volume 5 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Mr. William Shakespear. In ten volumes. Publish'd by Mr. Pope and Dr. Sewell. Volume 4 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Mr. William Shakespear. In ten volumes. Publish'd by Mr. Pope and Dr. Sewell. Volume 3 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare'S Dramatische Werke, Volume 7: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Shakespear. In ten volumes. With corrections and illustrations from various commentators. Volume 9 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Shakespear. In ten volumes. With corrections and illustrations from various commentators. Volume 8 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Shakespear. In ten volumes. With corrections and illustrations from various commentators. Volume 7 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Shakespear. In ten volumes. With corrections and illustrations from various commentators. Volume 6 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The works of Shakespear. In ten volumes. With corrections and illustrations from various commentators. Volume 10 of 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Works Of Shakespeare...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Dramatische Werke, Volume 7: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works Of Shakespear: In Six Volumes, Volume 4...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Whole Contention: (1619) The Third Quarto, 1619, Part 1...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Oeuvres Complètes De W. Shakespeare, Volume 9...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Three Tragedies: Romeo and Juliet/Hamlet/Macbeth: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakspere's Sämmtliche Dramatische Werke, Volume 10...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Shakspere Reading Book, Being Seventeen Of Shakspere's Plays Abridged For The Use Of Schools And Public Readings By H.c. Bowen: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The New Shaksperian Dictionary Of Quotations: (with Marginal Classification And Reference.)...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatick Writings Of Will. Shakspere, With The Notes Of All The Various Commentators; Printed Complete From The Best Editions: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's History Of King Henry The Fourth, Volume 2: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare