Authors | William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" ( ... Read more

Books by William Shakespeare

Shakespere's Historical Play Of King Henry The Eighth: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Works Of Shakespeare: With A Life, Volume 8: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatick Writings Of Will. Shakspere,: With The Notes Of All The Various Commentators: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Comedy Of Much Ado About Nothing: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth. Edited By R.p. Cowl And A.e. Morgan: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Complete Works Of Shakespeare, Volume 2: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays And Poems Of Shakspeare: Troilus And Cressida. Timon Of Athens. Titus Andronicus. Pericles. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
An Art Edition Of The Most Popular Dramas Of Shakespeare: With The Story Of Each Drama, Classified As Comedies, Tragedies And Hist: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Modern Readers Shakespeare, Volume 7: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Works Of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed From The Text Of The Corrected Copies, With A Copious Glossary: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Dramatic Works. Accurately Printed From The Text Of The Corrected Copy Left By George Stevens [sic] With A Glossary, And Notes Vol: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Familiar Proverbial And Select Sayings From Shakspere, By J.b. Marsh: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Le More De Venise: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
A New Variorum Edition Of Shakespeare: The Tragedy Of Richard The Third: With The Landing Of Earle Richmond, And The Battell At Bo: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Philosophy Of William Shakespeare, Delineating In Seven Hundred And Fifty Passages, Selected From His Plays, The Multiform Pha: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakspere's Twelfth Night: Or, What You Will: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works Of William Shakespeare: Antony And Cleopatra. Cynbeline. Pericles. Poems: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Complete Dramatic Works And Miscellaneous Poems: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: With Introduction And Notes Explanatory And Critical. For Use In Schools And Classes: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed From The Text Of The Corrected Copy Left By The Late George Steevens, Esq. Wi: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Family Shakspeare: King Henry Viii. Troilus And Cressida. Timon Of Athens. Coriolanus: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works Of William Shakespeare: Troilus And Cressida. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. Romeo And Juliet: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakspeare: Timon Of Athens. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. Antony And Cleopatra: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Much Ado About Nothing: A Comedy, In Five Acts. With Notes Critical And Explanatory: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Comedies Of William Shakespeare: Measure For Measure. Merry Wives Of Windsor. Winter's Tale: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakspeare: Complete, In Eight Volumes: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays And Poems Of Shakespeare,: All's Well That Ends Well. Taming Of The Shrew. Winter's Tale: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Tragedy Of Macbeth As Produced By Edwin Booth: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works Of Shakespear: Tragedies: Troilus And Cressida. Cymbeline. Romeo And Juliet. Hamlet. Othello. Glossary: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Works, Volume 1: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare