Authors | William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" ( ... Read more

Books by William Shakespeare

The life and death of King Lear. By Mr. William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
A midsummer-night's dream. By Mr. William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
All's well, that ends well; a comedy. By Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra. A tragedy. By Mr. William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet. A tragedy. Now acting, with the greatest applause, by his Majesty's servants, at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alle: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet. By Shakespear. With alterations, and an addtional scene: by D. Garrick. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet. A tragedy. Altered from Shakspeare by David Garrick, Esquire. Marked with the variations in the managers books,: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The tempest: or, the enchanted island. Written by Shakspeare; with additions from Dryden: as compiled by J. P. K: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Julius Caesar. A Tragedy. By Mr. William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Richard der Zweite: Ein Trauerspiel für die deutsche Schaubühne.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
As You Like It. A Comedy. By Mr. William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Tragedy Of Coriolanus. Edited , With Notes By William J. Rolfe: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare Illustrated By An Assemblage Of Portraits And Views; With Biographical Anecdotes ... To Which Are Added Portraits Of A: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Othello Le Maure De Venise (1604)...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Twelfth-night: Or, What You Will. Written By William Shakspeare. Marked With The Variations In The Manager's Book,: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Coriolan: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Merchant Of Venice. A Comedy. As It Is Performed At The Theatres Royal. Written By William Shakespeare, ...: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar: With The Death Of Brutus And Cassius; Written Originally By Shakespear, And Since Alter'd By Sir Wi: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Writings Of Will. Shakspere Printed Complete From The Besteditions Of Sam. Johnson And Geo. Steevens. Volume The Fift: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Writings Of Will. Shakspere Printed Complete From The Besteditions Of Sam. Johnson And Geo. Steevens. Volume The Nine: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakspeare: Macbeth. King John: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
A New Variorum Of Shakespeare, Volume 13: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Gesammelte Schriften: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of W. Shakespeare, 7: Accurately Printed From The Text Of The Connected Copies Left By The Late: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's sämtliche dramatische Werke.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Works: With A Life And Glossary; Volume 1: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Tragedy Of Antony And Cleopatra: With Preface, Glossary, &c: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays; Volume 8: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Temple Shakespeare; Volume 10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakspeare's Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, With Notes, Adapted for Schools and Private Study by J. Hunter: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare