Authors | Persius,
Persius, in full Aulus Persius Flaccus, was a Roman poet and satirist of Etruscan origin. In his works, poems and satires, he shows a stoic wisdom and a strong criticism for what he considered to be the stylistic abuses of his poetic contemporaries.

Books by Persius,

The Satires of Persius: by Persius
by Persius
The Satires Of Persius: by . Persius
by . Persius
Satires Suivies D'un Fragment De Turnue Et De La Satire De Sulpicia: by Persius
by Persius
The Satires Of Aulus Persius Flaccus, Translated Into English Prose; Together With The Original Latin; ... To Which Is Prefix'd A: by Persius
by Persius
Perse Traduit En Vers François Et Accomodé Au Gout Présent: by Persius
by Persius
A. Persii Flacci Saturae: by Persius
by Persius
Satyres: Traduction Nouvelle [in Prose]...: by Persius
by Persius
Sátiras De Persio...: by Persius
by Persius
A Prosaic Translation of Aulus Persius Flaccus's six Satyrs. Translated by Henry Eelbeck,: by Persius
by Persius
The Satyrs of Persius: Translated Into English by Thomas Sheridan, Part 4: by Persius
by Persius
Die Satiren des Persius: by Persius
by Persius
Satirae. Edidit, adnotationibus exegeticis et indice verborum instruxit Geyza Némethy: by Persius
by Persius
Les satires de Perse. Texte Latin publié avec un commentaire critique et explicatif et une introd. par François Villeneuve: by Persius
by Persius
Aulus Persius Flaccus: Text Nach Den Ältesten Und Besten Englischen, Französischen, Schweizerischen, Italienischen Und Deu: by . Persius
by . Persius
A. Persii Flacci Satirarum Liber: by Persius
by Persius
A. Persii Flacci Saturarum Liber: Recensuit Adnotatione Critica Instruxit Testimonia Usque Ad Saeculum Xv Addidit Santi Consoli: by Persius
by Persius
The satyrs of Persius. Translated into English by Thomas Sheridan, D.D.: by Persius
by Persius
Satires De Perse Et De Juvénal: Expliquées: by Persius
by Persius
Satires De Perse Avec Des Notes: by Persius
by Persius
Traduction Des Satires De Perse Et De Juvénal: by . Persius
by . Persius
Satires De Perse: Traduites En François, Avec Des Remarques...: by Persius
by Persius
A New And Literal Translation Of Juvenal And Persius: With Copious Explanatory Notes ...: by Persius
by Persius
A. Persii Flacci Satirae Vi: Ad Optimorum Exemplarium Fidem Recensitae Prooemio Et Indice Rerum Instructae A G.l. Koenig: by Persius
by Persius
Satires De Perse Et De Sulpicia...: by Persius
by Persius
Satyrae...: by Persius
by Persius
The Satires of A. Persius Flaccus: by Persius
by Persius
Satyren...: by Persius
by Persius
Satirae ad codices Parisinos: by Persius
by Persius
Versuch Einer Neuen Uebersetzung Der Satiren Des Persius...: by Persius
by Persius
Auli Persii Flacci satyro, cum notis.: by Persius
by Persius