The Scarlet Letter: Classic Collection
by NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE 2021-05-26 20:47:13
Convicted for adultery but unwilling to name her partner, Hester was forced to wear a scarlet "A" on her breast as an unending public reminder of sin. Four people would be destroyed by the complex web of guilt and secrets, unless one of them would re... Read more
Convicted for adultery but unwilling to name her partner, Hester was forced to wear a scarlet "A" on her breast as an unending public reminder of sin. Four people would be destroyed by the complex web of guilt and secrets, unless one of them would reveal the truth behind the scarlet letter. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781433212628
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist, dark romantic, and short story writer. He was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts to Nathaniel Hathorne and the former Elizabeth Clarke Manning. His ance...
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