Storms can come out of a clear blue sky, or they can build over a long period. They can take many forms, all terribly destructive: a tornado or hurricane that destroys all your belongings, an abusive spouse who destroys your sense of well-being, or human actions that can devastate an entire society.
In this collection of short stories, poetry, non-fiction, and images, you will find the range of approaching storms, and the range of emotions involved in such cataclysmic events. Within these pages you will find Mother Nature on the warpath in the form of tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and vengeful plants. You will find storms approaching in the form of an abusive spouse, a fed-up spouse, and the down-trodden. You will find murder and suicide. But, as is always the case after a storm passes, you will also find life beginning anew.
Contributors Carol Alexander
Suzanne Alexander
Carole Bellacera
Tony Brown
Ann Carter
Joshua Daniel Cochran
Morgan DePue
Krikor Der Hohannesian
Daniel Devine
Cat Dixon
T. Fox Dunham
Farah Ghuznavi
Ken Goldman
Peter Goodwin
Danica Green
Ann Howells
Bruce Lader
Larry Lefkowitz
Joe Massingham
Catherine McGuire
Walton Mendelson
Randy Mixter
Sonnet Mondal
Lylanne Musselman
Ransom Noble
Hal O'Leary
Alan Philps
Henrik Ramsager
William Rasmussen
Herb Shallcross
Gill Shutt
Leslie Silton
Bruce Turnbull