The Supplies for the Confederate Army, How They Were Obtained in Europe and How Paid For
By Caleb Huse 18 Feb, 2019
In the Summer of 1903, two friends of Major Huse were hospitably entertained by him at his charming home, "The Rocks," on the Hudson, just south of West Point, and, during their visit, were greatly interested in listening to his recital of some of hi ... Read more
In the Summer of 1903, two friends of Major Huse were hospitably entertained by him at his charming home, "The Rocks," on the Hudson, just south of West Point, and, during their visit, were greatly interested in listening to his recital of some of his experiences as agent in Europe for purchasing army supplies for the Confederate States during the Civil war. So impressed were they by this unique bit of history that they succeeded, after much urging, in inducing him to write it, believing that it should be preserved, and knowing that no one else could furnish it. His four years' experience would, if fully told, fill a large volume, but this brief recital is all that can be hoped for. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 202.123 KB
  • 54
  • Public Domain Books
  • 2015-08-22
  • English
  • 978-1175819048
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