The Universe and Children: Taurus
by Anaïs Peña-Herrera 2020-05-28 04:34:04
Have you asked yourself why your son acts in a certain way? Why does he not obey? Why is he so angry? Which are his aptitudes (abilities)? Why is he shy...or dominating? Why is it so hard for him to share his toys? Why does he cry so much? Why doesn'... Read more
Have you asked yourself why your son acts in a certain way? Why does he not obey? Why is he so angry? Which are his aptitudes (abilities)? Why is he shy...or dominating? Why is it so hard for him to share his toys? Why does he cry so much? Why doesn't he eat? Why is he hyperactive? Why is it difficult for him to fall asleep?Parents are often searching for advice. As parents, we need to make sure that we are doing a good job. Therefore, any help we find is welcome. Thanks to the Universe and Children, we understand the world to which our children come. Psychological astrology for children is an instrument that will be useful to know more about their aptitudes, difficulties, and qualities. The more we know about our children, the more possibilities we will have to raise them as better people, helping them face the future. Less
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  • Print pages
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  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 8.50(w)x11.00(h)x0.1
  • 54
  • Independently published
  • February 13, 2020
  • 9798613661619
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