Unlimited Social Traffic Alan Smith Author
by Alan Smith
2021-04-11 11:28:13
Unlimited Social Traffic Alan Smith Author
by Alan Smith
2021-04-11 11:28:13
When history will be written, 2008 would surely go down its pages, as aremarkable year in world politics. This year saw what Martin Luther King jr.dreamt of and that which Abraham Lincoln envisioned. In the month ofNovember, the United States of Amer...
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When history will be written, 2008 would surely go down its pages, as aremarkable year in world politics. This year saw what Martin Luther King jr.dreamt of and that which Abraham Lincoln envisioned. In the month ofNovember, the United States of America achieved yet another first of its kind -they voted for change; they elected a black American as their representative towhat can modestly be alluded as the most powerful seat in global realpolitik. So itdoesn’t come as a great surprise that US president-elect Barack Obama tops thechart for the 50 most influential people of 2008.