What are they Teaching My Kids? - A Parent's Guide to Common Core Joye Bridal Author
by Joye Bridal 2021-04-02 16:26:04
IntroductionThere is plenty of buzz out there about common core and what it means forchildren in public schools. Some parents are very impressed with it andlove the idea. Others aren’t sure about it because they have heardcomplaints and that it ... Read more
IntroductionThere is plenty of buzz out there about common core and what it means forchildren in public schools. Some parents are very impressed with it andlove the idea. Others aren’t sure about it because they have heardcomplaints and that it confuses kids.Some educators really embrace it and others don’t like the idea of change.They also worry that it means they have to change their teaching methods.Yet there are plenty of benefits involved with the common core curriculum.As you learn about it, you will be more comfortable with what your child willbe learning about.In the past, a big problem with schools is that they all did things differently.A child going to school in one region would learn different things thanothers. Yet they all took the same standardized tests.A student that moved due to family circumstances may find they are in a school where they are very far behind or where they are too far ahead.With educational standards in place, educators can make sure thatstudents are exposed to the skills and the information they need to build onfrom one grade to the next. Parents can feel good knowing that their childis going to get a good education no matter where they have and whichpublic school they attend.Educational standards help to make sure that all students get thefoundation they need for a successful future. It doesn’t matter what theirgoals and plans are for after graduation. Ensuring that children have skillsthey can use in the real world as well as in their post-secondary educationis very important.The quality of education is important, and the common core curriculumhelps to ensure that students are able to consistently get that. Thestandards can be implemented from one school to the next as well as fromone state to the next. It gives children a fair opportunity for learning in thepublic education system.Educators and supporters believe that with common standards in place,they are better able to serve the needs of all students. Educators still havethe freedom to use their own teaching style and methods within aclassroom setting. However, they will have help with creating the programthat they will teach.Students in any given grade will have certain knowledge and skills that theyshould learn during the course of that given school year. Educators havethe chance to create great lessons as well as a terrific learningenvironment.We all know that in any school there seems to be those teachers that do a great job. You also have those that don’t teach enough and those that will overload students.The goal of the common core is to help create a specific set of objectivesand goals that educators use in a classroom to help students learn and beready for the next grade level. With clear standards in place, parents arealso able to understand what their children are learning and why in anyparticular grade. This enables parents to be more supportive and to assistwith making school a pleasant experience for their children.With standards in place, children can get a quality education in any publicschool they attend. It doesn’t matter if it is a wealthy upper classneighborhood or a low income area where they attend class. It levels theplaying field for those students all to build a successful future upon.Eventually, children grow up to be adults. It is believed that the commoncore system is designed to help them do well in the workforce as well as incollege. It is very sad when you realize that there are high school graduatesout there right now that can barely read, write, spell, or do simple math.They need those skills in every aspect of their life so it holds them back.With the standards in place, it is believed that children won’t be fallingthrough the cracks based on the teacher they had or the school theyattended. This also reduces pressure on parents to live in particular areasso that they are zoned for their children to attend a certain public schoolwith a reputation of a quality curriculum.If you are uneasy about what the common core offers, you don’t need tobe. There is plenty of quality information here for you to learn from. It willput your mind to ease about what kids will be learning. It also helps you tosee the value for teachers who are often overworked and underpaid.The common core is designed to allow kids to be creative, to allowteachers to use the methods they are comfortable with, and for students togrow and to learn new concepts that will help them in the future. It isn’t apunishment and it isn’t going to ruin public schools. Instead, ...... Less
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 41
  • Joye Bridal
  • August 14, 2014
  • 2940150449831
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