Authors | Dave Zirin
Dave Zirin
Dave Zirin is the sports editor for The Nation, a columnist for The Progressive, and the author of eight books on the politics of sports, including What's My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States and A People's History of Sports in t ... Read more

Books by Dave Zirin

What's My Name, Fool?: by Dave Zirin
by Dave Zirin
Jim Brown: Last Man Standing: by Dave Zirin
by Dave Zirin
Bad Sports: How Owners Are Ruining the Games We Love: by Dave Zirin
by Dave Zirin
Game Over: How Politics Has Turned the Sports World Upside Down: by Dave Zirin
by Dave Zirin
Brazil's Dance with the Devil (Updated Olympics Edition): The World Cup, the Olympics, and the Fight for Democracy: by Dave Zirin
by Dave Zirin
People's History of Sports in the United States: 250 Years of Politics, Protest, People, and Play: by Dave Zirin
by Dave Zirin
Welcome to the Terrordome: The Pain, Politics and Promise of Sports: by Dave Zirin
by Dave Zirin
Histoire populaire du sport: 250 ans de politique de combat et de jeu: by Dave Zirin
by Dave Zirin