Authors | Eugène Brieux
Eugène Brieux
Eugène Brieux (French: [bʁjø]; 19 January 1858 – 6 December 1932), French dramatist, was born in Paris of poor parents. A one-act play, Bernard Palissy, written in collaboration with M. Gaston Salandri, was produced in 1879, but he had to wai ... Read more

Books by Eugène Brieux

Three Plays: By Eugene Brieux
By Eugene Brieux
Blanchette, and The escape; two plays. With pref. by H.L. Mencken; translated from the French by Fre: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
La femme seule, comédie en trois actes: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Le Berceau; Comédie En Trois Actes: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
La foi; pièce en cinq actes. Musique de scène de Camille Saint-Saëns: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Les Hannetons; Comédie En Trois Actes: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Woman On Her Own: False Gods And The Red Robe: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Voyage Aux Indes Et En Indo-Chine: Simples Notes D'un Touriste: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Les Remplaçantes; Pièce En Trois Actes: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
L'armature; Comêdie En Cinq Actes, Tirée Du Roman De Paul Hervieu: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Blachette, and The Escape;: by Eugène 1858- Brieux
by Eugène 1858- Brieux
Les Remplaçantes: Roman Inédit...: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Artists' Families (Ménages Dártistes): A Comedy in Three Acts: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Maternité: Pièce En Trois Actes...: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
La Femme Scule: Comédie En Trois Actes...: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
L'engrenage; Comédie En Trois Actes: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
La Couvée: Comédie En Trois Actes...: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
La Déserteuse: Pièce En Quatre Actes...: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
La Rose Bleue: Comédie-vaudeville En Un Acte...: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Three Plays by Brieux, Member of the French Academy: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Blanchette: Comédie en trois actes: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Au Japon par Java, la Chine, la Corée: Nouvelles Notes d'un Touriste - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Eugene Brieux
by Eugene Brieux
Three Plays by Brieux: Maternity; The Three Daughters of M. DuPont; Damaged Goods: by Eugene Brieux
by Eugene Brieux
Simone: pièce en trois actes: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Damaged Goods: A Play By Brieux: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Damaged Goods (les Avariés) A Play In Three Acts: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
L'école Des Belles-Mères: Comédie: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux
Suzette, Pièce En Trois Actes: by Eugène Brieux
by Eugène Brieux