Working with Children and Parents through Separation and Divorce
2020-05-14 20:47:32
Supporting children and families through separation and divorce is a major area of concern in contemporary society. However, it is sometimes hard for those professionals who are helping families to hear the `voice' of the child in this process. Writi... Read more
Supporting children and families through separation and divorce is a major area of concern in contemporary society. However, it is sometimes hard for those professionals who are helping families to hear the `voice' of the child in this process. Writing from their wide experience as clinicians working with children and families, Emilia Dowling and Gill Gorell Barnes set out in this book to address this gap, and allow the child to be heard. Working with Children and Parents through Separation and Divorce combines research with clinical and practical approaches to working with families going through stressful changes linked to separation or divorce. Attention is given to the wider context of children's lives with the implications for general practice, schools and other services addressed in special chapters. A focused approach to divorce related problems that takes each family member's view into account is illustrated. Combining individual and family work helps parents to resolve difficulties, enabling children troubled by parental separation to progress with their own lives.This book is essential reading for `front line' professionals as well as specialists who encounter children and families going through this life transition in the course of their work. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781349907748
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