World E-Parliament Report 2008
2020-05-14 22:38:40
The World e-Parliament Report 2008 constitutes the first assessment from a global perspective of how information and communication technologies (ICT) are being employed by parliaments across the spectrum of activities for which they are responsible. ... Read more
The World e-Parliament Report 2008 constitutes the first assessment from a global perspective of how information and communication technologies (ICT) are being employed by parliaments across the spectrum of activities for which they are responsible. It is based on the responses and comments provided by 105 assemblies from around the world to a survey on the use of ICT in parliament. It also draws on experiences exchanged during the World e-Parliament Conference 2007 and relevant policy available information. The publication is aimed to help legislatures evaluate the potential benefits of ICT in supporting parliament’s basic values of transparency, accessibility, accountability and effectiveness, and, at the same time, its representative, legislative and oversight functions. It is also intended to establish a shared knowledge base among the parliaments of the world and, most importantly, promote international dialogue on these matters. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9789211561548
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