World Population Ageing 1950-2050/Rapport sur le vieillisement de la population mondiale 1950-2050/Informe de la Asamblea Mundial sobre el Envejecimie
World Population Ageing 1950-2050/Rapport sur le vieillisement de la population mondiale 1950-2050/Informe de la Asamblea Mundial sobre el Envejecimie
As the proportion of the world's population in the older ages continues to increase, the need for improved information and analysis of demographic ageing increases. This detailed report provides a description of global trends in population ageing and...
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As the proportion of the world's population in the older ages continues to increase, the need for improved information and analysis of demographic ageing increases. This detailed report provides a description of global trends in population ageing and includes a series of indicators of the ageing process by development regions, major areas, regions and countries.