Writing Down Your Soul
2020-05-13 21:27:46
Channel your divine inner wisdom and the miraculous, life-changing power of writing with this guide by the author of Find Your Soul’s Purpose. A writer, poet, and spiritual field guide, Janet Conner is first and always a deep soul explorer. Through... Read more
Channel your divine inner wisdom and the miraculous, life-changing power of writing with this guide by the author of Find Your Soul’s Purpose. A writer, poet, and spiritual field guide, Janet Conner is first and always a deep soul explorer. Through her own meditative writing practice, she has learned to open a channel to her divine inner voice. In Writing Down Your Soul, Janet shows you how to turn journal-writing into a divine dialogue with the wisdom that dwells just below your conscious awareness. Today, research scientists are providing peeks into the nature of consciousness. Their findings give us intriguing clues as to what is actually happening with our bodies, minds, and spirits as we roll pen across paper. Writing Down Your Soul explores some of this research and instructs how to access the power and beauty of our own deepest selves by slipping from the alpha brainwave state into the theta: the intriguing border between the conscious and the subconscious. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781609250058
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