You Are Still Being Lied To
2020-05-12 20:58:27
This revised and updated edition of the classic myth-busting anthology shines a harsh light on the disinformation of government, mass media and more. In 2001, Russ Kick’s You Are Being Lied To became a cultural phenomenon, spreading the eye-opening... Read more
This revised and updated edition of the classic myth-busting anthology shines a harsh light on the disinformation of government, mass media and more. In 2001, Russ Kick’s You Are Being Lied To became a cultural phenomenon, spreading the eye-opening insights of writers like Noam Chomsky, Howard Bloom and others to the masses. Now Kick returns with You Are STILL Being Lied To, a thoroughly updated edition that contains more than a dozen all-new essays from contributors like Norman Solomon, Graham Hancock, Alex Jones, John Major Jenkins, Robert Bauval, Richard DeGrandpre, Alexandra Bruce, John Hogue, Gregory Davis, and Scott Creighton. These outspoken authors tackle topics ranging from the misleading marketing of antidepressants to the truth about the North American Union, media consolidation, and the New Thought movement. This massive collection dismantles the distortions, myths, and outright lies propagated by the government, the media, corporations, organized religion, the scientific establishment, and others who want to keep the truth from us. An unprecedented group of researchers including Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Howard Bloom, Sydney Schanberg, Michael Parenti, Riane Eisler, Jim Marrs, and many others reveal how crucial stories are suppressed, real dangers are down-played, and nonexistent dangers are trumpeted in a world where you are still being lied to. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781934708309
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