by John Wooten
2020-09-01 22:51:51
Holiday Drama / 8m, 6f (doubling possible)/ Interior Set As "A Christmas Carol" with a modern day twist, Humbug follows the story of Eleanor Scrooge, a ruthlessly ambitious Wall Street executive who has an aversion to Christmas and an insatiable appe...
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Holiday Drama / 8m, 6f (doubling possible)/ Interior Set As "A Christmas Carol" with a modern day twist, Humbug follows the story of Eleanor Scrooge, a ruthlessly ambitious Wall Street executive who has an aversion to Christmas and an insatiable appetite for power. Locked in her office on a snowy Christmas Eve, Eleanor is determined to finish a corporate-takeover proposal until three "advisors" provide her with an eye-opening new appreciation for the holidays and the spirit of Christmas. An upb