The Institutional Foundations of East Asian Economic Development
by Y. Hayami
2020-03-20 10:02:06
The Institutional Foundations of East Asian Economic Development
by Y. Hayami
2020-03-20 10:02:06
The International Economic Association was foremost in reviving professional economists' concern with institutions and their impact in publications such as Economic Institutions in a Dynamic Society (1989). This volume concentrates on the states whos...
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The International Economic Association was foremost in reviving professional economists' concern with institutions and their impact in publications such as Economic Institutions in a Dynamic Society (1989). This volume concentrates on the states whose development has been characterised as the 'East Asian miracle' in the light of the performance of other economies starting from similarly low income levels, including India, China, African states - especially Nigeria - and Latin American countries including Brazil. This comprehensive comparative survey in economic history demonstrates the external shocks and interacting domestic forces which constituted the growth dynamic. Nobel Laureates Kenneth Arrow and Douglass North and past President of the IEA the late Michael Bruno are among the thirty-four highly distinguished specialist contributors.