Aquinas and Modern Law James
The Law of Liability Insurance Malcolm
International Law and Politics Joel Trachtman Editor
Official Commentary on the UNIDROIT Convention on Substantive Rules for Intermediated Securities
McKnight, Paterson, and Zakrzewski on the Law of International Finance
Learning Legal Skills and Reasoning
Oxford Principles of English Law: English Private Law (3e) and English Public Law (2e)
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Travaux Preparatoires
Encyclopedia of Human Rights
Annual Review of United Nations Affairs 2017/2018: Volumes I-VI
The Oxford History of the Laws of England, Volumes XI, XII, and XIII: 1820-1914
Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics
Fighting the Death Penalty: A Fifty-Year Journey of Argument and Persuasion
A gyűlöletbeszéd korlátozása Magyarországon - Alkotmányos és jogalkalmazói megközelítések, európai kitekintéssel
Dalla storia di Roma alle origini della società civile