Dick Hamilton's Airship; Or, A Young Millionaire in the Clouds
By Howard R. Garis (Dick Hamilton Series#6) 6 Apr, 2020
Aircraft were no novelties to the cadets. In fact part of the instruction at Kentfield included wireless, and the theoretical use of aeroplanes in war. The cadets had gone in a body to several aviation meets, and once had been taken by Major Franklin ... Read more
Aircraft were no novelties to the cadets. In fact part of the instruction at Kentfield included wireless, and the theoretical use of aeroplanes in war. The cadets had gone in a body to several aviation meets, and once had been taken by Major Franklin Webster, the instructor in military tactics, to an army meet where several new forms of biplanes and monoplanes had been tried out, to see which should be given official recognition. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 410.233 KB
  • 294
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1794888579
Howard Roger Garis (April 25, 1873 – November 6, 1962) was an American author, best known for a series of books that featured the character of Uncle Wiggily Longears, an engaging elderly rabbit. Man...
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