Bread Baking for Beginners
by Adams Media
2020-07-03 07:14:19
Bread Baking for Beginners
by Adams Media
2020-07-03 07:14:19
You’ve got the time—why not make some bread?Who doesn’t love fresh bread? If you’re looking for a new hobby, baking bread is satisfying, useful, and surprisingly easy to do. In Bread Baking for Beginners, you’ll find ple...
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You’ve got the time—why not make some bread?Who doesn’t love fresh bread? If you’re looking for a new hobby, baking bread is satisfying, useful, and surprisingly easy to do. In Bread Baking for Beginners, you’ll find plenty of options—from Italian Ciabatta to Cinnamon Swirl Sticky Buns. Make rolls for sandwiches, try your hand at tortillas, or indulge in irresistible doughnuts. There’s something to satisfy whatever it is you’re craving, especially if that something is something to do.