Metabolic States: Notes on Stress, Nutrition and Exercise
by Larry Hoover
2020-04-21 04:31:42
Metabolic States: Notes on Stress, Nutrition and Exercise
by Larry Hoover
2020-04-21 04:31:42
Our current state of health is almost entirely the result of 5 factors: diet physical activity amount of sleep DNA the environment Except for DNA (e.g. sex, race) and various aspects of our immediate environment, these facets of life are under our ...
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Our current state of health is almost entirely the result of 5 factors: diet physical activity amount of sleep DNA the environment Except for DNA (e.g. sex, race) and various aspects of our immediate environment, these facets of life are under our voluntary control. Altogether, they produce a net rate of wear and tear on the body or something referred to as stress. Stress is ultimately responsible for our: bodyweight body composition state of health rate of aging and your METABOLIC STATE (theres 7!)