Engineering & Transportation
Allies of the Earth : Railroads and the Soul of Preservation
by Alfred Runte
Fg42 : WWII Germany's SciFi machine rifle and the SMG Guns reproduction.
by Jeff John
Biography of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad
by Paul Harncourt
Arduino Cookbook : Recipes to Begin, Expand, and Enhance Your Projects
by Michael Margolis
Military Maintenance for MB/Gpw Jeeps 1941-45
by Robert Notman
Handbook of Food Nanotechnology
Biopolymer Membranes and Films
Double Hierarchy Linguistic Term Set and Its Extensions
Theory and Applications for Control of Aerial Robots in Physical Interaction Through Tethers
Viruses, Hardware and Software Trojans
by Richard Lofting
by Phil West
Scalar Wave Driven Energy Applications
by Bahman Zohuri
Mechanical Vibrations
by Singiresu Rao
Dynamic Analysis of Structures
by John T. Katsikadelis
Rules of Thumb for Maintenance and Reliability Engineers
by Ricky Smith