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2009 International Plumbing Code Essentials at Your Fingertips
This handy resource delivers quick access to important international plumbing and septic code information. 2009 International Plumbing Code Need To Know explains and interprets the most common International Code Council requirements. Packed with illustrations, this essential tool brings together all the elements you need to design, estimate, and install plumbing systems and equipment. Save time and money, reduce errors, stay in compliance, and increase job site safety using this quick reference.
2009 International Plumbing Code Need To Know features:
Inside this on-the-job guide
Definitions * Administration * General Building Heights and Areas * Fixtures, Faucets, and Fixture Fittings * Water Heaters * Water Supply and Distribution * Sanitary Drainage Systems - Indirect and Special Wastes * Vents * Traps * Storm Drainage * Special Piping and Storage Systems * Recycling Gray Water * Using the Code in the Real World