High-Tech and Micropropagation VI
by Y.P.S Bajaj 2020-07-22 11:54:27
Micropropagation of plants is a multi billion dollar industry being practiced in hundreds of sm all and large nurseries and commerciallabo­ ratories throughout the world. At present, it is the only component of plant biotechnology which has been... Read more
Micropropagation of plants is a multi billion dollar industry being practiced in hundreds of sm all and large nurseries and commerciallabo­ ratories throughout the world. At present, it is the only component of plant biotechnology which has been commercially exploited on such a large scale, especially for the production of ornamentals. Now micropropagation of trees and medicinal plants has also assumed great importance. With recent progress made in the propagation of fruit and forest trees, and the immediate need for afforestation and planting of orchards, propagules and plantlets are required quickly and in large numbers. Taking these points into consideration High-Tech and Micropropagation I, II, III, and IV were published in 1991 and 1992. The present two volumes, High-Tech and Micropropagation V and VI, comprise 51 chapters contributed by international experts from 24 countries. High-Tech and Micropropagation V comprises 24 chapters arranged into the following three seetions: 1. Vegetables and fruits (garlic, Amaranthus, Brassica oleracea, pep­ per, watermelon, cassava, banana, Myrtus communis, passionfruit, Polymnia sonchifolia, pepino, and spinaeh) H. Grasses (bamboos, Caustis dioica, Dendrocalamus, Miscanthus x giganteus, sugarcane) In. Trees (Aegle marmelos, Eucalyptus, Fraxinus excelsior, luglans cinerea, Pinus virginiana, Prosopis, and Vlmus species) High-Tech and Micropropagation VI comprises 27 chapters arranged in two sections: 1. Ornamental and aromatic plants (Amaryllis, Anthurium, Blandfordia, bromeliads, Campanula, Coleus, Ctenanthe, Cyclamen, Daphne, Dracaena, Gerbera, Helianthemum, Hippeastrum, Leucojum, Mammillaria, Maranta, Mediocactus, Mussaenda, Narcissus, Otacanthus, ponytail palm, Prunus tenella, Spiranthes, and Zinnia) II. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9.25 X 6.1 X 0 in
  • 397
  • Springer-Verlag/Sci-Tech/Trade
  • December 1, 2010
  • English
  • 9783662033548
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