Marine Rifle Squad MCIP 3-10A.4i: Marine Corps Interim Publication United States
by Marine Corps 2020-05-28 04:28:24
Marine Corps Interim Publication MCIP 3-10A.4i Marine Rifle Squad June 2019Marine Corps Interim Publication (MCIP) 3-10A.4i, Marine Rifle Squad, contains tactics, techniques, and procedures for rifle squad employment and captures lessons learned from... Read more
Marine Corps Interim Publication MCIP 3-10A.4i Marine Rifle Squad June 2019Marine Corps Interim Publication (MCIP) 3-10A.4i, Marine Rifle Squad, contains tactics, techniques, and procedures for rifle squad employment and captures lessons learned from recent decades of conflict. It covers a range of missions that Marine rifle squads deal with today or may deal with tomorrow. Despite this extended coverage, MCIP 3-10A.4i is not intended to be all-encompassing. There are many aspects of rifle squad operations that are not detailed herein because a specific publication already exists for that purpose; to cover it would be redundant. It also does not address force structure and weapon system changes anticipated over the next several years unless sufficient experimentation and testing have already been conducted to generate best practices that are ready to be codified in doctrine. This publication does serve, however, as the basic warfighting squad publication and is to be used in conjunction with the appropriate infantry platoon, company, and battalion publications, as well as other publications that relate to the conduct of ground operations. This publication is intended for Marine Corps infantry company and below leadership, to include units serving as provisional infantry. It is a foundational document that assists in the preparation and execution of squad-level operations in the current operational environment in order to accomplish their assigned missions. This publication cancels the following: MCRP 3-10A.4, Marine Rifle Squad, dated 2 December 1991, change 1 dated 24 July 1997, erratum dated 27 November 2002, erratum dated 2 May 2016, and erratum dated 22 February 2018. Reviewed and approved 10 June 2019.Publication Control Number: 146 000025 00DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Notice:This is a paperback book version of the Marine Corps Interim Publication MCIP 3-10A.4i Marine Rifle Squad June 2019.Full version, All Chapters included.This publication (current update) is available (Electronic version) in the official website of the United States Marine Corps.This book is properly formatted and printed as a perfect sized copy 8.5x11.* The version of this publication is as described above (this article is updated after each new edition). disclaimer: The use or appearance of United States Marine Corps publications on a non-Federal Government website does not imply or constitute Marine Corps endorsement of the distribution service. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 8.50(w)x11.00(h)x0.6
  • 296
  • Independently published
  • February 13, 2020
  • 9798613734610
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