Moisture Control Handbook : Principles and Practices for Residential and Small Commercial Buildings
by Joseph Lstiburek
2020-07-22 20:44:22
Moisture Control Handbook : Principles and Practices for Residential and Small Commercial Buildings
by Joseph Lstiburek
2020-07-22 20:44:22
In the climate-controlled buildings of today, moisture problemsaffect not only the useable life expectancy of the structure, butthe comfort and health of the occupants. This reference is thefirst to apply up-to-date moisture control and treatment tec...
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In the climate-controlled buildings of today, moisture problemsaffect not only the useable life expectancy of the structure, butthe comfort and health of the occupants. This reference is thefirst to apply up-to-date moisture control and treatment techniquesin a problem/solution format. Opening with an introductoryexplanation of the nature and causes of mold, mildew, andcondensation, the book gives specific advice on heated, cooled, andcombination environments, plus a short course in the dynamics ofmoisture movement within buildings. Other invaluable coverageincludes:
* clear, detailed recommended practices for all United Statesclimates
* practices for cooling as well as heating climates (often, heatingclimate solutions are applied in cooling climates, where problemsand solutions are completely different)
* an overall, systematic view of moisture problems--including howmechanical systems and occupant lifestyles can create and alsoresolve moisture problems
* actual case studies of buildings with moisture problems thatillustrate the principles and practices presented in the book
This detailed, no-nonsense exploration of moisture cause andeffect--as well as its protection and remediation--will expandreaders'' knowledge on this crucial subject. Moisture ControlHandbook will be welcomed by building contractors, architects,mechanical engineers, building science researchers, buildingproduct manufacturers, homeowners, and small commercial buildingowners.