The Mechanisms of Metallurgical Failure
2020-07-23 09:01:24
Metallurgy of Fracture: The Mechanics of Metal Failure looks at the origin of metal defects, their related mechanisms of failure, and the modification of casting procedures to eliminate these defects, clearly connecting the strength and durability of... Read more
Metallurgy of Fracture: The Mechanics of Metal Failure looks at the origin of metal defects, their related mechanisms of failure, and the modification of casting procedures to eliminate these defects, clearly connecting the strength and durability of metals with their fabrication process. The book starts with a focus on the fracture of liquids, looking at topics such as homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, entrainment processes in bifilms and bubbles, furling and unfurling, ingot casting, continuous casting, and more. From there it discusses fracture of liquid and solid state, focusing on topics such as externally and internally initiated tearing. The book then concludes with a section discussing fracture of solid metals covering concepts such as ductility and brittleness, dislocation mechanisms, the relationship between the microstructure and properties of metals, corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement, and more. Improved approaches to fabrication and casting processes that will help eliminate these defects are provided throughout. Looks at how the fracture of metals originates in the liquid-state due to poor casting practices Offers improved casting techniques to reduce liquid-state borne fracture Draws attention to the parallels between fracture initiation in the liquid and solid states Covers spall tests and how to improve material quality by hot isostatic pressing Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780128226797
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