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The #1 Guide to Flight Physiology_Now Updated and Expanded with the Latest INSIGHTS for ENHANCING AIRCREW SAFE PERFORMANCE!
The Third Edition of Basic Flight Physiology has been completely updated and expanded with information on THAT WILL REDUCE PILOT IMPAIRMENT IN FLIGHT. This definitive guide to PHYSIOLOGICAL human factors in the flying environment provides a wealth of preventive measures pilots can take to anticipate and compensate for HUMAN FACTORS that cause 70% of all aviation accidents.
Packed with over 100 INFORMATIVE illustrations, this resource contains UNDERSTANDABLE coverage of THE MANY PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS THAT AFFECT PILOT PERFORMANCE PLUS crew resource management, in-flight medical emergencies, health maintenance programs, and more. The Third Edition of Basic Flight Physiology features:
Explore Every Aspect of "Medical Airworthiness":
. Human Factors Defined . Basic Human Anatomy . The Atmosphere . Situation Awareness . Altitude Physiology . Hearing and Vibration . Vision . Orientation . Self-Imposed Medical Stress . Environmental Stresses . Sleep, Jet Lag, and Fatigue . Acceleration . Crew Resource Management . Human Factors of Automation . In-Flight Medical Emergencies . Health Maintenance Program . Medical Standards, Regulation, and Certification Less