Disarming the Nuclear Argument
by Timmon Milne Wallis 2020-09-05 23:50:11
Nuclear weapons are too important to be left to politicians and generals. They need to be discussed in the pub, at the school gates and over the kitchen sink so that people are aware of the issues involved and have had the opportunity to think them t... Read more
Nuclear weapons are too important to be left to politicians and generals. They need to be discussed in the pub, at the school gates and over the kitchen sink so that people are aware of the issues involved and have had the opportunity to think them through. TIMMON MILNE WALLIS How much do nuclear weapons actually cost? How safe are nuclear weapons, even if they are never used? Have nuclear weapons kept us safe since the end of World War II? Are nuclear weapons legal under International Law? The nine nuclear weapon states are extending their commitments to nuclear 'deterrence' well into the second half of this century, despite treaty obligations and an 'unequivocal undertaking' to disarm. The US alone is expecting to spend up to $1 trillion (ie. $1,000,000,000,000) upgrading its nuclear weapons over the next 30 years. With around 15,000 nuclear weapons stockpiled worldwide, the risk of one going off by accident or design is increasing every day. Timmon Milne Wallis explores the arguments in favour of nuclear weapons with a critical eye, cutting through the rhetoric and obfuscation to get to the real truth about these weapons. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • June 23, 2017
  • eng
  • 9781910324974
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