The Country House Kitchen Garden 1600-1950
by C Anne Wilson 2020-09-06 19:56:38
Country house kitchen gardens were designed as perfect 'grown your own' environments and ensured that many households were supplied with their own fruit and vegetables throughout the year. This book offers an insight into the digging and sowing of th... Read more
Country house kitchen gardens were designed as perfect 'grown your own' environments and ensured that many households were supplied with their own fruit and vegetables throughout the year. This book offers an insight into the digging and sowing of these gardens, as well as exploring how walled gardens contributed towards a sustainable lifestyle and often were a source of not just food, but also natural medicines. A wealth of contemporary illustrations, material from archives, gardening manuals, seed catalogues, engravings and other documents, paint a vivid picture of the country house kitchen garden and its development over three and a half centuries. This delightful book recounts an important part of our historic houses and their national heritage – to be enjoyed by gardeners and non-gardeners alike. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • March 23, 2010
  • eng
  • 9780750959049
Constance Anne Wilson is a British food historian. She was previously in charge of the special collection of cookery books at the Brotherton Library of the University of Leeds, Leeds, England....
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