Dance At Bataan
by Blake Bradford 2020-04-20 04:31:42
While researching Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a graduate student (Hannah) comes across a series of sealed records of a man (Mr. Edwards) in Virginia that survived the Bataan Death March in the Philippines during WWII. She visits him for an interv... Read more
While researching Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a graduate student (Hannah) comes across a series of sealed records of a man (Mr. Edwards) in Virginia that survived the Bataan Death March in the Philippines during WWII. She visits him for an interview and the two begin a tumultuous friendship as his memories open up to Bataan, a subject he has actively avoided for over half a century. Through his memories we follow three survivors of the March (Buck, Taylor, and Marlene) as they create a university in their POW camp and await rescue from the Japanese by Douglas MacArthur. Taylor, being the appointed Chaplain, is allowed the only outside contact, with secret visits set up with an American spy (Claire) that is on the island pretending to be a Italian entertainer and owner of Club Tsubaki. When Hannah finds out about Mr. Edwards' explosive secrets from Bataan she is forced to either expose him and get her PhD, or keep his secrets and have her dissertation denied. Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • July 20, 2011
  • 9781257425167
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