Our World, Or, the Slaveholder's Daughter
By Francis Colburn Adams 14 Feb, 2019
ON the left bank of the Ashly River, in the State of South Carolina, and a few miles from its principal city, is a plantation once the property of Hugh Marston. It was near this spot, the brave Huguenots, fleeing religious and political persecution, ... Read more
ON the left bank of the Ashly River, in the State of South Carolina, and a few miles from its principal city, is a plantation once the property of Hugh Marston. It was near this spot, the brave Huguenots, fleeing religious and political persecution, founded their first American colony-invoked Heaven to guard their liberties-sought a refuge in a new world! And it was here the pious Huguenot forgot his appeals to high heaven-forgot what had driven him from his fatherland, and-unlike the pilgrim fathers who planted their standard on "New England's happy shore,"-became the first to oppress. It was here, against a fierce tyranny, the gallant Yamassee, ** Less
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  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 581.302 KB
  • 827
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781407627779
Francis Colburn Adams (1850–1891) was an American miscellaneous writer, formerly living in Charleston, South Carolina, who wrote under various pseudonyms.[1][2][3]...
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