In, The Metropolis, our protagonist comes to New York as a lawyer seeking to make his name and build a career. His younger brother has come before him and has already been successful in working his way into the inner circles of the High Society. The younger brother introduces him to the moguls with their extraordinary fortunes, amassed by owners of the Trusts, the Monopolies, the Banks, and the Financiers. With all the money in the world has come all the power. And, with all the money and the power has come the grotesque excess and the decadence and the moral rot.
The working people who are building the palaces, making the fine clothing, cooking, and serving the banquets, are relegated to slums and tenements. The impoverished coal miners, lumberjacks, railroad workers, factory workers, etc., are the collateral damage created by the accumulation of this vast wealth in the hands of the few...who never even see their faces. Who barely know they exist.