Personality Disorders: Learn about Borderline Disorder and Other Psychological Conditions
by David Copperson
2020-05-27 16:09:21
Personality Disorders: Learn about Borderline Disorder and Other Psychological Conditions
by David Copperson
2020-05-27 16:09:21
There are a lot of personality disorders, so many, sometimes, that we lose track. Personally, I know someone with schizophrenia, several people who have narcissist traits, autism and ADHD that run in my own family, and even a few people diagnosed wit...
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There are a lot of personality disorders, so many, sometimes, that we lose track. Personally, I know someone with schizophrenia, several people who have narcissist traits, autism and ADHD that run in my own family, and even a few people diagnosed with borderline disorder. Disorders are a part of society, whether you like it or not. We may feel, at times, that those disorders cause people to act strange or rude or manipulative. And this may be true, but if we understand the disorders, we can more easily guess where it came from and handle them more appropriately too.This book will help with that. It classifies the disorders, explains more about them, and gives you more details on how to interact with those who have them.