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Ever wonder what makes people tick? Now you can unlock the secrets of the mind even if you don''t have formal training, unlimited time, or a Freudian IQ. Psychology Demystified offers an insightful and illuminating way to learn this intriguing science.
Coverage of topics advances logically and smoothly, from social psychology, developmental psychology, intelligence, personality, and psychological disorders, to the study of thinking, emotion, and motivation. You''ll learn about the effects of sensation and perception and delve into neuroscience and genetics -- and much more. This unique self-teaching resource lets you learn at your own comfortable pace. And learning is continually reinforced and your achievement demonstrated with multiple-choice quizzes at the ends of chapters, end-of-section tests, and a final exam.
Explore the world of psychology with this fascinating, easy-to-understand guide!
Lively and effective, Psychology Demystified is the perfect guide to all topics and issues critical to the field of psychology.