Christmas: Its Origin and Associations: Together With Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries: Depicting, by Pen and ... Remarkable Event, Romantic Episodes,
by William Francis Dawson 20 Nov, 2018
In the third quarter of the nineteenth century, it fell to my lot to write an article on Christmas, its customs and festivities. And, although I sought in vain for a chronological account of the festival, I discovered many interesting details of its ... Read more
In the third quarter of the nineteenth century, it fell to my lot to write an article on Christmas, its customs and festivities. And, although I sought in vain for a chronological account of the festival, I discovered many interesting details of its observances dispersed in the works of various authors; and, while I found that some of its greater celebrations marked important epochs in our national history, I saw, also, that the successive celebrations of Christmas during nineteen centuries were important links in the chain of historical Christian evidences. I became enamoured of the subject, for, in addition to historical interest, there is the charm of its legendary lore, its picturesque customs, and popular games. It seemed to me that the origin and hallowed associations of Christmas, its ancient customs and festivities, and the important part it has played in history combine to make it a most fascinating subject. I resolved, therefore, to collect materials for a larger work on Christmas. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 8344.401 KB
  • 386
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9780342271016,
Captain William Francis Dawson (born ???? - died 29 March 1829) was a prominent road builder in British Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka). An Engineer attached to the Royal Engineers, he was given the ta...
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