A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, With Notes; In Answers to a Late Pamphlets Entitled an Account of the Expedition to Carthagena
by Frances J. Roberts 20 Feb, 2019
No Time having been lost in preparing to put to Sea; January the 22d, Sir Chaloner Ogle sailed with his Division out of Port-Royal Harbour; Commodore Lestock the 26th, and Vice-Admiral Vernon the 28th: The three Squadrons, having join'd January the 3 ... Read more
No Time having been lost in preparing to put to Sea; January the 22d, Sir Chaloner Ogle sailed with his Division out of Port-Royal Harbour; Commodore Lestock the 26th, and Vice-Admiral Vernon the 28th: The three Squadrons, having join'd January the 31st, made Cape Tiberon, on the Coast of Hispaniola, February the 7th; the same Day Captain Dandridge came into the Fleet. February the 8th, the Admiral made a Signal for General and Flag Officers, and communicated to them the Report he had received from Captain Dandridge,viz. "That he had, January the 30th, look'd into Port-Lewis, where he had seen nineteen Ships of War; that one of them carried a Flag at the Main-top-mast Head, and another a broad Pendant;" which Report being taken into Consideration, it was resolved to steer directly to the Isle of Vache; where the Fleet arrived February the 12th, and cast Anchor at about two Leagues to the Westward of Port-Lewis. Less
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  • 55.992 KB
  • 20
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781230391687,
FRANCES J. ROBERTS (1918-2009) is best known for her classic devotional Come Away My Beloved. She founded The King's Press in 1964, where she authored and published Come Away and eight other books, se...
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